http://royal%20white%20cement%20plaster%20wall%20cement%20concrete%20architecutre http://royal%20white%20cement%20plaster%20wall%20cement%20concrete%20architecutre

royal white portland cement

RWC WHITE CEMENT OR WHITE PORTLAND CEMENT is a specialized product, manufactured to exacting standards,
often used for architectural projects in which pure white concrete is specified, or as base cement when vibrant color is desired. White cement is also used in highway infrastructure for traffic safety purposes due to its brightness and reflectivity. Improved bagging technology provides the ultimate protection from humidity and all forms of adverse weather conditions when stored properly.

Product Details

  • High Quality, whiteness and strength
  • Higher SRI than floors with grey concrete
  • TYPE I meets ASTM specification C150 for: precast concrete, cast-in-place concrete, terrazzo, median barriers, curbs, tile grout, paint, masonry units, swimming pools, glass fiber reinforced surface bonding mortars and much more


Size / Pallet Qty. Yield /Bag Mixing Ratio Final Strength
92.6 lbs. Bag / 35 Varies per application Application specific ≥ 7500 psi