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amerimix™ amx 400 type m mortar

The Amerimix AMX 400 series mortar is a factory blend of portland cement, hydrated lime and dried sand specially formulated to provide consistently excellent water retention, exceptional workability and superior bond strength in every bag. Portland cement, lime and sand mortar mix is suitable for nearly every masonry application, whether interior or exterior, load-bearing or not, above or below grade. Available in types N, M, and S, our mortar mix comes in 36 standard colors or it can be color-matched to any masonry unit.

Product Details

  • Pre-blended type M mortar for commercial-grade use
  • Use to lay brick, block and stone or as underlayment for slate, marble and tile
  • Easy to mix, just add water
  • Compression strength of 2,500 PSI


Size / Pallet Qty. Application Depth Approx. Coverage - Standard Brick Yield /Bag Final Strength
80 lbs. Bag / 42 3/8" 40 - 50 w/ 3/8" joint .78 ft3 > 2500 psi