http://Sakrete®%20Crack%20Resistant%20Concrete http://basalite%20concrete%20slab%20foundation%20masonry%20building%20landscaping

sakrete® crack-resistant concrete

For the smoothest finish, Crack-Resistant Concrete is your mix. Engineered with virgin polypropylene fibers blended into the mix, this professional-grade formula helps to minimize surface cracking by strengthening the slab surface, making every pour look like your best work.

Product Details

  • Fiber-reinforced concrete mix reduces shrinkage cracking and delivers enhanced impact resistance
  • Reduces the requirement for rebar or mesh reinforcement in slabs
  • Use for projects over 2″ thick
  • Ready for foot traffic in 24 hours – vehicle traffic in 72 hours


Size / Pallet Qty. Approx. Coverage /Bag Application Depth Foot Traffic Vehicle Traffic Final Strength
80 lbs. Bag / 42 .60 ft3 2" + 24 hrs. 72 hrs. 4000 psi

Material Estimator

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