http://Sakrete%20Non-Shrink%20Grout http://Sakrete%20Non-Shrink%20Grout

sakrete® non-shrink grout

Sakrete® Non-Shrink Grout is a non-shrink, non-metallic structural hydraulic cement for high strength grouting of heavy machinery, steel bearing plates, concrete columns, etc. Super-plasticized for improved strength. Can be made to a dry pack, plastic, or flowable consistency for a variety of applications.

Product Details

• Meets or exceeds ASTM C1107 (Plastic and Flowable) • Non-corrosive, will not attack reinforcement • Non-metallic, Non-staining • High strength • Pumpable for easy placement • Meets Corps of Engineers Specification CRD-C 621


Size / Pallet Qty. Approx. Coverage /Bag Application Depth Vehicle Traffic Final Strength
50 lbs. Bag / 30 .45 ft3 1" - 4" 24 hrs. 8000 - 12,500 psi