http://SF%20Rima%20Paver http://SF%20Rima%20Pavers%20Basalite http://SF%20Rima%20Pavers%20Basalite http://SF%20Rima%20Pavers%20Basalite http://SF%20Rima%20Pavers%20Basalite http://SF%20Rima%20pavers%20square%20basalite%20driveway

sf rima™

SF Rima™ permeable pavers are designed with the environment in mind, reducing storm water runoff, decreasing flooding and relieving storm water systems. SF Rima’s unique design allows it to be installed with spacer-on-stone for water drainage or spacer-on-spacer for turf growth.




Name Metric Units U.S. Customary Units Weight Units /Pallet Sq. Ft. /Pallet
SF Rima™ * 196mm W x 196mm L x 80mm H 7.71” W x 7.71” L x 3.18” H 17 lbs. 180 84

*SF Rima is available by special order only. For design consideration add 12mm or .47” to the W and L dimensions to allow for the spacers. Colors on this website may vary from actual product colors. We recommend selecting colors from actual product samples.