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Estimate will be calculated to include a 5% waste factor.

Project material estimate

Stonewall® II Details

Stonewall units are sold in random mixed pallet quantities only, totaling 33 sq. ft /pallet. *Caps and Torpedoâ„¢ Base Block are all palletized and sold separately.
Stonewall Caps total 114 lineal feet /pallet, and Torpedo 63 lineal feet /pallet.

*Square Combo Cap also available in some regions, 115 sq. ft. /pallet.

Bayfield Retaining Wall System Details

Large. Medium and Small units are sold in mixed pallet quantities only, totaling 36 sq. ft /pallet. *Column/Corners, Caps and Torpedoâ„¢ Base Block are all palletized and sold separately. Column/Corner total 20 units /pallet. Bayfield Caps total 78 lineal feet /pallet, and Torpedo 63 lineal feet /pallet.
Please consult a dealer for Column/Corner and Bullnose pallets needed for your project.

Bayfield Freestanding Wall System Details

Large. Medium and Small units are sold in mixed pallet quantities only, totaling 33 sq. ft /pallet. *Column/Corners, Caps and Torpedoâ„¢ Base Block are all palletized and sold separately. Column/Corner total 20 units /pallet. Bayfield Caps total 78 lineal feet /pallet, and Torpedo 63 lineal feet /pallet.
Please consult a dealer for Column/Corner and Bullnose pallets needed for your project.

Brisa Random Retaining Wall Details

Large. Medium and Small units are sold in mixed pallet quantities only, totaling 30 sq. ft /pallet.
*Column/Corners, Caps and Torpedoâ„¢ Base Block are all palletized and sold separately.
Column/Corner total 28 units /pallet.
Brisa Random Caps total 78 lineal feet /pallet,
Torpedo Blocks total 63 lineal feet /pallet.
Please consult a dealer for Column/Corner pallets needed for your project.

Brisa Retaining Wall Details

Large. Medium and Small units are sold in mixed pallet quantities only, totaling 30 sq. ft /pallet.
*Column/Corners, Caps and Torpedoâ„¢ Base Block are all palletized and sold separately.
Column/Corner total 28 units /pallet.
Brisa Caps total 78 lineal feet /pallet,
Torpedo Blocks total 63 lineal feet /pallet.
Please consult a dealer for Column/Corner pallets needed for your project.

Brisa Random Freestanding Wall Details

Large. Medium and Small units are sold in mixed pallet quantities only, totaling 30 sq. ft /pallet.
*Column, Corners, Caps and Torpedoâ„¢ Base Block are all palletized and sold separately.
Column/Corners total 28 units /pallet.
Brisa Random Caps total 78 lineal feet /pallet.
Torpedo blocks total 63 lineal feet /pallet.
Wall End Caps total 78 lineal feet /pallet.
Wall End Corners total 28 lineal feet /pallet.
Please consult a dealer for Column/Corner, Wall End Caps and Wall End Corners pallets needed for your project.

Brisa Freestanding Wall Details

Large. Medium and Small units are sold in mixed pallet quantities only, totaling 30 sq. ft /pallet.
*Column, Corners, Caps and Torpedoâ„¢ Base Block are all palletized and sold separately.
Column/Corners total 28 units /pallet.
Brisa Caps total 78 lineal feet /pallet.
Torpedo blocks total 63 lineal feet /pallet.
Wall End Caps total 78 lineal feet /pallet.
Wall End Corners total 28 lineal feet /pallet.
Please consult a dealer for Column/Corner, Wall End Caps and Wall End Corners pallets needed for your project.

Lakeland II & Lakeland Standard Details

Lakeland II Small and Medium units are sold in mixed pallet quantities only, totaling 26 sq. ft /pallet.
*Lakeland II Standard units are palletized and sold separately, totaling 26 sq. ft /pallet.
Please consult a dealer for patterns not using the Lakeland Standard Block.

Estate Wall Ashlar Details

Units are sold in mixed pallet quantities only, totaling 40 sq. ft /pallet.
*Caps are palletized and sold separately, totaling 93 lineal /pallet. Estate wall caps not available in all regions.
Please consult a dealer for Bullnose pallets needed for your project.

Estate Wall Details

*Stock colors for the cap are Tan and Grey. Maximum wall height not to exceed 3 ft. Minimum Radius 3 ft. 6 in.

Estate Wall Details

Maximum wall height not to exceed 3 ft. Minimum Radius 3 ft. 6 in.

Estate Wall Straight Details

Maximum wall height not to exceed 3 ft. Minimum Radius 3 ft. 6 in. *Caps are sold in mixed pallet quantities only and 115 lineal ft. each.

Terrace Wall Details

Maximum wall height not to exceed 2 ft. Minimum Radius 2 ft. 2 in.

Geowallâ„¢ Pro Details

Classic Corners and Tri-Plane Corners total 50 sq. ft. /pallet.
Basalite recommends that the maximum gravity wall height of this block is 3 feet. If you wish to build a retaining wall taller than this height please contact Basalite for assistance or an engineer for a design analysis.

Geowallâ„¢ Pro Details

Corners total 40 sq. ft. /pallet.
Basalite recommends that the maximum gravity wall height of this block is 3 feet. If you wish to build a retaining wall taller than this height please contact Basalite for assistance or an engineer for a design analysis.

Geowallâ„¢ Pro Details

Corners total 60 sq. ft. /pallet.
Basalite recommends that the maximum gravity wall height of this block is 3 feet. If you wish to build a retaining wall taller than this height please contact Basalite for assistance or an engineer for a design analysis.

Geowallâ„¢ Max Details

Classic Corners and Tri-Plane Corners total 50 sq. ft. /pallet.
Basalite recommends that the maximum gravity wall height of this block is 3 feet. If you wish to build a retaining wall taller than this height please contact Basalite for assistance or an engineer for a design analysis.

Geowallâ„¢ Max Details

Corners total 40 sq. ft. /pallet.
Basalite recommends that the maximum gravity wall height of this block is 3 feet. If you wish to build a retaining wall taller than this height please contact Basalite for assistance or an engineer for a design analysis.

Geowallâ„¢ Straight Beveled Details

Beveled Corners total 50 sq. ft. /pallet. Basalite recommends that the maximum gravity wall height of this block is 3 feet. If you wish to build a retaining wall taller than this height please contact Basalite for assistance or an engineer for a design analysis.

Geowallâ„¢ Pro Beveled Details

Beveled Corners total 60 sq. ft. /pallet. Basalite recommends that the maximum gravity wall height of this block is 3 feet. If you wish to build a retaining wall taller than this height please contact Basalite for assistance or an engineer for a design analysis.

AB New World Courtyard Details

Corner Block totals 20 sq. ft. /pallet. AB Wall Post Caps create 12 posts /pallet (24 units /pallet).
Units are packaged separately to allow them to be used individually or to blend them together for a variety of patterns. Use the AB Dublin for straight walls and the AB York for building curved walls. *AB Corner Block requires 4 corners per course for each post. *AB Wall Cap requires 2 caps for each post.

AB Courtyard Details

Corner Block totals 20 sq. ft. /pallet. AB Wall Post Caps create 12 posts /pallet (24 units /pallet).
Units are packaged separately to allow them to be used individually or to blend them together for a variety of patterns. Use the AB Dublin for straight walls and the AB York for building curved walls. *AB Corner Block requires 4 corners per course for each post. *AB Wall Cap requires 2 caps for each post.

AB Classic Details

Corner Block totals 50 sq. ft. /pallet. Units are packaged separately to allow them to be used individually or blend them together. All units are engineered with a 6 degree setback. Please consult a dealer for Corner pallets needed for your project.

Hudsonâ„¢ Stone Details

5″ L x 8″ W x 4″ H

Garden Stack Details

5.91″ L x 7.87″ W x 4″ H – Wall Block
5.91″ L x 7.87″ W x 4″ H – Cap
Maximum wall height not to exceed 2 ft.

Garden Stack Details

7″ L x 11.625″ W x 4″ H – Wall Block
7.5″ L x 12 / 9″ W x 2.375″ H – Cap

Natural Impressions Details

7.125″ L x 12″ W x 4″ H – Flagstoneâ„¢ / Ashlarstoneâ„¢
8″ L x 12″ W x 2″ H – Cap

Diamond 3-Way Details

11″ L x 15.86″ W x 6″ H – Wall Block
8″ L x 16″ W x 6″ H – Corner
12″ L x 16.22″ W x 3″ H – Cap
Please consult a dealer for Corner pallets needed for your project.

Diamond Straight Face Details

11″ L x 17.25″ W x 6″ H – Wall Block
8″ L x 16″ W x 6″ H – Corner
12″ L x 16.22″ W x 3″ H – Cap
Please consult a dealer for Corner pallets needed for your project.

Diamond 10DS Details

10″ L x 17.24″ W x 6″ H – Wall Block
8″ L x 16″ W x 6″ H – Corner
12″ L x 16.22″ W x 3″ H – Cap
Please consult a dealer for Corner pallets needed for your project.

Veteran Pro Details

10.75″ L x 18″ W x 8″ H – Wall Block
11″ L x 18″ W x 4″ H – 4″ Straight Side Cap
10.5″ L x 18″ W x 4″ H – 4″ Tri-Plane Straight Side Cap

Number of Stonewall® Pallets Required:
Number of Stonewall® Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Bayfield RWS Pallets Required:
Number of Bayfield FWS Pallets Required:
Number of Bayfield Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Brisa RWS Pallets Required:
Number of Brisa FWS Pallets Required:
Number of Brisa Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Lakeland Pallets Required:
Number of Estate Wall Ashlar Pallets Required:
Number of Estate Wall Ashlar Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Estate Wall Pallets Required:
Number of Estate Wall Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Estate Wall Straight Pallets Required:
Number of Estate Wall Straight Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Terrace Wall Pallets Required:
Number of Terrace Wall Pallets Required:
Number of Torpedo Block Pallets Required:
Number of GeoWall Pro Straight Face Pallets Required:
Number of GeoWall Pro Straight Face Pallets Required:
Number of GeoWall Pro Tri-Plane Face Pallets Required:
Number of GeoWall Pro Tri-Plane Face Pallets Required:
Number of GeoWall Max Pallets Required:
Number of 4" Geowall Cap Pallets Required:
Number of 8" Geowall Cap Pallets Required:
Number of 4" Geowall Cap Pallets Required:
Number of 8" Geowall Cap Pallets Required:
Number of GeoWall Max Straight Beveled Pallets Required:
Number of GeoWall Pro Straight Beveled Pallets Required:
Number of Geowall Straight Cap Pallets Required:
Number of GeoWall Pro Pallets Required:
Number of 4" Geowall Cap Pallets Required:
Number of 8" Geowall Cap Pallets Required:
Number of GeoWall Pro Beveled Pallets Required:
Number of 4" Rectangle Cap Pallets Required:
Number of 4" Straight Tapered Cap Pallets Required:
Pallets Required using 100% AB York Units:
Pallets Required using 100% AB Dublin Units:
Number of AB Wall Cap Pallets Required:
Pallets Required using 100% AB Lite Stone Units:
Pallets Required using 100% AB Classic Units:
Number of AB Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Hudson Stone Pallets Required:
Number of Garden Stack Pallets Required:
Number of Garden Stack Pallets Required:
Number of Windsor Stone Pallets Required:
Number of Windsor Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Flagstone or Ashlarstone Pallets Required:
Number of Natural Impressions Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Diamond 3-Way Pallets Required:
Number of Diamond Straight Pallets Required:
Number of Diamond 10DS Pallets Required:
Number of Diamond Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Veteran Pro Pallets Required:
Number of Straight Side Cap Pallets Required:
Number of Tri-Plane Straight Side Cap Pallets Required:
Total Project Square Feet:

*A 5% waste factor has been included in the estimate.
*The estimate above is an estimate only.