http://Premier%20Smooth%20Paver http://Premier%20Smooth%20Paver

premier smooth

Premier Smooth Pavers have the power to create a serene and soothing atmosphere and easily complements any home or landscape. The Premier Smooth’s natural beauty provides the homeowner with polished contemporary lines and the look of real stone.


Name Metric Units U.S. Customary Units Units /Pallet Sq. Ft /Pallet Pallet Weight
6 x 12 148mm W x 298mm L x 60mm H 5.83” W x 11.73” L x 2.375” H 96 121.9 3,378 lbs.
9 x 12 223mm W x 298mm L x 60mm H 8.78” W x 11.73” L x 2.375” H 64 - -
12 x 12 298mm W x 298mm L x 60mm H 11.73” W x 11.73” L x 2.375” H 32 - -
6 x 9 Border* 148mm W x 223mm L x 60mm H 5.83” W x 8.78” L x 2.375” H 280 100 2,632 lbs.
12 x 18* 298mm W x 448mm L x 60mm H 11.73” W x 17.64” L x 2.375” H 64 92 2,400 lbs.

6×12, 9×12 and 12×12 units are sold in Basalite® Combo Pallet quantities only. *6×9 Border and 12×18 are palletized and sold separately.